Friday, July 30, 2010

200 Posts

Hello everyone! How has God been blessing your life? Me, well I will start by sharing the great news that I have nanny job! It starts on Monday and I am sooo excited! See I have been praying for a job for months and I must admit that at times, I doubted I would find one; but God showed me HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!
Now that I will have a job, I can start seriously looking for a car too! And this year, I get to vote! Before I decide who to vote for, I must do some real research to be sure I vote for the right person. You know, someone with conservative values, pro-life, good experience, and those kinds of things.

I know I should apologize for not posting in sooooo long! I can't believe this is my 200th post! I probably would have reached it much sooner if I hadn't taken so many breaks but hey, God has been blessing us with BEAUTIFUL weather the last week (except the severe thunderstorms the other day) but all in all, my summer has been really laid back. I wish I had been to the beach or gone swimming more, or just had a small party but no, nothin fun like that happened. I actually haven't seen any of my friends in a while...
Well anyways, I hope God is blessing you all abundantly and that you are growing closer to Him everyday!

Have a lovely day,
Butterfly <3

Monday, May 03, 2010

Healthy Guide to Life: Snacks

Everyone knows that snacking is something nearly everyone does! Every afternoon, between lunch and dinner, I find myself craving something sweet but I want to eat healthy so I will share my fave snacks with you all!

If you are a salt lover, look no further than this fabulously salty list:
1. Sun Chips! I have always enjoyed a nice bag of sun chips and I love love love the Multigrain Sun Chips! They are the best! Pair your chips with salsa, french onion dip (no more than 1/6 cup), or any other healthy dip and you have a snack that satisfies!

2. Peanuts! Not only are peanuts fun to pop in your mouth; they are a great snack! But beware, too much can be to fatty. Only consume 1/4 cup per serving 2-3 times a week!

3. Multigrain Pretzels! This may sound funky but boy is it good! You can dip your pretzels in yogurt, peanut/almond butter, salsa, fruit dips, or whatever sounds good and healthy to you!

4. Popcorn! Not only is popcorn fun for movies but a great snack! You can buy the mini bags at any grocery store and I must say look at the ingredients! Avoid Partially/Fully Hydrogenated oils, Mono sodium Glutamate (MSG) or any other words you can't pronounce because they are all dangerous to your body! If the ingredients list for popcorn is less than 6 ingredients long you know its going to be better than any other!

Now for you sweet tooth's out there! I know what its like to sooo badly want a sweet fix so here is a list special for you:
1. Dark Chocolate! Did you know that consuming 1-2 ounces of dark chocolate a day is good for your heart and skin complexion; so go for it! Pair your dark chocolate with a fresh fruit like strawberries and you have a delicious snack that is healthy and satisfying!

2. A fruit salad! Now you may be saying, OK that is refreshing but not sweet! Well here is my solution, drizzle dark chocolate or honey on top and then its deliciously savory and sweet! And if you want to award yourself after a great workout; put some whipped cream on top that fruit and enjoy your reward!

3. Juice Pops! Take your favorite juice (grape and pomegranate juice are both filled with a great source of vitamins and antioxidants!) and pour it into a 5 oz cup, cover the top with aluminum foil or cling wrap, put a small hole in the middle and place a popsicle stick inside. Freeze for 3-4 hours and ta-da! You have a sweet (and healthy) snack!

4. Fruit Leather! You are probably wondering what on earth fruit leather is right? Well allow me enlighten you; fruit leather is basically the same thing as those disgusting fruit roll ups but its made from real fruit with no or little added sugar. They are ate many grocery stores and they may cost more than fruit roll ups but they are way better for you!

5. Chocolate and Peanut butter dipped apples! This is making me hungry already!
Take a medium sized apple and cut into 5-7 slices. Melt dark chocolate (either in fondue pot or small kettle) and dip apple slices 3/4 of the way into chocolate. Let cool in fridge on cookie sheet covered with parchment paper or wax paper til chocolate is hard. Pull out of fridge and dip in your peanut butter! This is really fun and easy to make! You get your dark chocolate and a fruit all in one great snack! This also makes a fantastic party snack!

6. Fresh Fruit Pizza! Here is what you need:
2 (8 to 9-inch) tortillas, preferably whole wheat
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 cup mascarpone or cream cheese
2 1/2 cups thinly sliced fresh Chilean fruit including nectarines, plums, kiwi and blueberries
1/4 cup apricot jam, melted *Optional
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
Sprinkle tortillas with sugar and cinnamon; place on baking sheet and bake until crisp, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from oven; cool.
Spread with cheese, leaving a 1-inch border around the edge.
Arrange fruit on the cheese.
Brush with jam to create a glossy finish. *Optional
To serve, use a large knife to cut pizzas into quarters and serve immediately.
Makes 4 servings.

Now for those of you who suffer from TMS, The Munchy Syndrome, I have some healthy stuff that is great for you to get munching on:
1. Carrots and Ranch dip. Simple and fun for munching!

2. Celery topped with peanut butter or cream cheese! I really enjoy this snack when I want something crisp and refreshing!

3. Nuts! Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Hazelnuts, any nuts! All are great to munch on! But only have 1-2 ounces of your fave nut every day because nuts can be fatty!

4. Chicken/Turkey and cheese roll ups! This is great for meat and cheese lovers like my brother!

5. Fiber Bars! Dr. Weil, Odwalla, Luna, and Cliff are all great brands that make amazingly delicious and filling snack bars! Dr. Weil's Chai Razz bars are sooo sweet and delicious; Odwalla makes nuts fun in their bars; Luna makes fantastic energy bars for women; and Cliff makes great adult and kid bars in fun flavors like smore's, chocolate chip, honey graham, and chocolate brownie!

6. Scones! I have a great recipe for healthy scones! If you are interested, comment on this post to let me know you would like my recipe!

I hope this will help you all enjoy snacking without the guilt! Have an amazing day!


P.S. I am not sure if I will be doing a Healthy Guide to Life on dinner only because mom's may be upset that their kids are trying to take over the dinner plans! Just be sure to eat a big salad sometime in your day and that you have a couple veggies with your dinner and everything else is up to your mom! = )

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Healthy Guide to Life: Lunch

I would like to start by saying how pleased I was to hear that my series has already helped someone! Jillian, I was sooo excited to hear that you were looking for this kind of article!
So here comes the second most important meal of the day: Lunch!

So here is a basic list of what you body needs about 1/3 of the way through your day;

  • Greens! I can't express how crucial natural greens are for you body! And there are so many fun ways to eat them every day!
  • Veggies! I will list some veggies that not only contain a great source of fiber but also some extremely beneficial nutrients for your inner and outer self!
  • Power fruits! Fruit isn't just great at breakfast! For a list of power fruits, check out my last post (Healthy Guide to Life: Breakfast).
  • Whole Wheats! If you didn't have a breakfast that contained your whole wheats, lunch is the best time to make up for it!
  • Essential Fatty Acids and Omega-3's! You may be saying "What on earth are those!" Don't worry, I will explain!

Now that you know what you need to eat, I will break down different ways for you to enjoy these foods in simple and healthy ways!

  • Lets start with greens. So if you have ever read a health magazine or had a conversation with a health nut like me, you will know that greens are a term for, well, green vegetables! Greens can be any veggie that is green and the reason why they are so important is that greens are one of the healthiest veggies for you and you can get them in so many ways! The easiest way is a big bowl of salad! Now don't you dare grab that ceasar salad bag mix! That stuff is not what I am talking about! I mean the deep dark greens like romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, cucumbers, broccoli, uncooked green beans, snap peas, etc... If you are going to eat a salad, you want it to have as many health benefits as possible! Here is my recipe for one of the most simple and healthy salads ever:

What you'll need is:

  1. Romain Lettuce (the greenest you can find in your local grocery store)
  2. Uncooked Spinach (you can get this in a bag if you like)
  3. Cucumbers *Note: Cucumbers lose their nutrients in a matter of hours after being cut into! So try to use the whole cucumber in two days!)*
  4. Uncooked snap peas or green beans.
  5. Berries: You can use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or any other berry you enjoy! All make your salad have an extra sweet tangy flavor!
  6. Essential Fatty Acids! You are probably thinking that I made this term up but here is one essential fatty acid that everyone will recognize: Extra Virgin Olive Oil! Adding one tablespoon to a meal every day is great for your skins moisture and for your hair! Not to mention its great benefit in preventing heart disease!
  7. Omega-3's are found in walnuts!
  8. Antioxidants (look at the list of high antioxidant foods a few paragraphs down).

Now you know how to make an extremely healthy salad that contains everything you should eat at lunch! If you are still hungry after eating this salad (which is more likely if you are a growing guy) then make yourself a great whole wheat sandwich with some lean meats like chicken or turkey! Here is my fave sandwich:

  1. Whole Wheat high fiber bread
  2. Chicken or Turkey lunch meat (sometimes ham if its Boar's Head Meats)
  3. Mucky Duck Mustard (soooo yummy!!!!)
  4. Two leaves of Romaine Lettuce
  5. One Slice of monterey jack or colby jack cheese

This sandwich will keep you full and happy throughout the afternoon and when you eat my fave salad and sandwich, you will be filled with joy and health knowing you ate an incredibly healthy lunch!

Now if you don't have much time at lunch, here is a quick little meal you can throw together in a matter of two minutes:

  1. 1 cup of carrots
  2. 2 ounces of almonds
  3. 1 medium sized apple (health benefits are in my last post Healthy Guide to Life: Breakfast)
  4. 1/2 -1 cup Sun Chips, healthy Potato Chips, or Sweet Potato Chips (if you have none of these in your pantry, grab some next time your at the grocers because they are great snack items!)
  5. 1-2 leaves of romaine lettuce or 1 cup of spinach with honey mustard or ranch dressing
  6. 1 cup of lunch meat

This is easy to throw together into lunch baggies for a healthy and fun lunch that is full of nutrition! You can take this with you to a picnic, a car ride, or to eat at home!

Now for antioxidants!

Best Sources of High Antioxidants Foods:

  1. Fruits: Berries (Cherry, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, bilberry/wild blueberry, black currant), pomegranate, grape, orange, plum, pineapple, kiwi fruit, grapefruit.
  2. Vegetables: Kale, chili pepper, red cabbage, peppers, parsley, artichoke, brussel sprouts, spinach, lemon, ginger, red beets.
  3. Dry Fruits high in antioxidants: Apricots, prunes, dates.
  4. Legumes: beans, pinto beans, soybeans.
  5. Nuts and seeds: Pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, ground nut, sunflower seeds.
  6. Cereals: Barley, millet, oats, corn.
  7. Spices: cloves, cinnamon, oregano

Another great way to get your antioxidants is by drinking them! Green Tea is not only delicious but also high in antioxidants! I drink a 1-3 cups of green tea at least 2-3 times a week! Try drinking green tea with flavors like honey, berry, or if you have a green tea that is strong, add 1 tbsp of natural honey.

Well I can't wait to hear from you all! The next post in this series is Healthy Guide to Life: Snacking!

See you all soon,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Healthy Guide to Life: Breakfast

So I think the title explains rather well my subject for this post. I will be sharing some incredibly healthy ways to start your day (and no, McDonald's breakfast burrito is NOT on the list!)!

Here are some key things to include in your breakfast that will give your body a great start to the day:
  • At least 8 grams of fiber (I try to get 10-12)
  • 2 Fruits
  • Protein
  • A healthy glass of lemon water (at least 8 oz.)

Now I will explain the simple ways to have this eating diet incorporated into your life! Doesn't it sound great!

I think the hardest thing to get your daily value of is fiber. So few foods contain the much needed fiber for our body's metabolism and digestion. Fiber helps you feel fit because it fills you up and keeps you going; helps you feel fuller longer so you reduce snacking; and fiber boosts your metabolism so its a great tool to help you keep your happy place on your weight scale! My scale happy place is between 105-108 lbs and it hasn't changed in the last few years so that is proof that this lifestyle does work! Now I do tend to have a higher metabolism but what you eat plays a big role in the area of your weight!

So here is the best way to get your fiber in the morning:

  1. High Fiber Whole Wheat Bread. It doesn't cost much more than any other loaf of bread but the nutrients and fiber you need in the morning is in there! You want each individual slice of bread to have AT THE VERY LEAST 3 grams of FIBER! I prefer 5 grams of fiber in each slice and I normally top my toast with a natural jelly, peanut/almond butter, or my fave option is natural honey (no preservative filled junk) with cinnamon sprinkled on top!
  2. If you don't want toast in the morning, reach for a box of high fiber cereal! Tons of your favorite cereals have a OK amount of fiber but the really good stuff is going to have at least 6 grams of fiber in 1 cup of cereal
  3. Bran cereal; 1 cup = 19 grams of fiber (on average)
  4. Natural Oats, rolled dry; 1 cup = 12 grams of fiber (on average)

Here is a list of great fruits that not only have vitamin nutrients but also have a great natural source of fiber:

  • 1 medium apple with skin usually contains 5 grams of fiber!
  • 1 normal sized banana contains 3-4 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup of blueberries contains 4 grams of fiber (and is also a great source of antioxidants!)
  • 1 cup of cantaloupe contains approximately 2 grams of fiber
  • 1/2 of a medium grapefruit = 5-6 grams of fiber
  • a medium sized orange = 3-4 grams of fiber
  • 1 medium pear = 5 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup of raspberries = 8-9 grams of fiber!!!
  • 1 cup of strawberries = 3.5-4 grams of fiber

So as you can see, eating two of these fruits could add up to as much as 14 grams of fiber! Your daily intake from all three meals should be at least 24 for ages 16 and under and at least 30 for ages 18 and older.

Next on the list of important things to eat with breakfast is protein! The best source of protein in the morning is eggs! Scrambled, fried, hard boiled; however you like them, try to eat 1-2 eggs at least every other day.

Finally, lemon water! I can't express how healthy it is for you to consume a tall glass of lemon water every morning. It isn't expensive either! Lemons are rich in cleansing properties so when you have a 8-12 oz glass of water in the morning, you are starting the day by cleaning out any impurities that may be inside your digestive track and its proven that lemon water can keep you healthier and less likely to catch colds and the flu! I drink lemon water nearly every morning and it is so easy. You simply take a glass of filtered water, cut a medium sized lemon in half, and squeeze the half lemon into your glass (yes, you use the whole half inside one glass of water!). It averages out to about 20-25 cents a day per person (if you purchase the half dozen bag for $3).

I hope my Healthy Guide to Breakfast will help you have a great jump start to every morning and that you will remember that you are what you eat! lol I know it sounds cheesy but it is so true!

I will be continuing my Healthy Guide to Life series with Lunch in a couple days!

Bless and be Blessed,
